Launched on April, 1st, 2007, this Pay-to-Click site offers an incredible 250 advertisements per day. Paying out $2,799.72 to its members already, the site offers ads valued at $0.001 each, a guaranteed $0.25 per day, a great deal more then most other Pay-to-Click sites. This site requires a little more time then others but if you’re willing, this is a great find.
Average number of clicks per day: 250
Amount per click: $0.001
Time per ad: 10 seconds
Sign up bonus: 100 points
Amount per referral: None
Amount per referral click: 60%{first level}, 20%{second level}, 10%, 5%, 5%.
Payment method: Pay Pal
Minimum cash out: $10.00
Paid Within: 30 Days
Introducing Pay-to-Click (PTC) or Pay-per-Click (PPC) web sites for those who want to make extra money daily with little effort. These websites contain advertisements which after FREE registration you can view and receive small amounts of money for every ad clicked. Once you have clicked on an ad, a timer will start, which on average lasts 10-30 seconds depending on the amount of money offered in viewing the ad. The more money you stand to gain the more time it will take.When the timer has expired, for example like the countdowns seen on Advercash, your account will be credited.

Potential to Grow
On average, advertisements pay out $0.01 - $0.03, depending on the site there can be any number of ads the viewer can click. Once you have established memberships to different PTC websites you will be generating small amounts of money. For people trying to maximize profit, wanting to expand and potentially make larger sums of money you can use referrals. When you refer people to these sites you benefit from the amount of times they click. Different sites provide different referral advantages. Some administer a percentage of what your referrals make, and some match what your referrals make. The amount of time you dedicate to attracting referrals and clicking sites will determine how much money you will make.

$1.00 a day doesn't seem like much but imagine if you refer a mere 10 people. As seen on many PTC sites you could make 100% of what your refers click. For example you could make $10.00 a day if they click all the ads available. Now imagine if those 10, referred 10 more, you have just started a chain of which you profit immensely from.

This easy to navigate site offers an amazing guarantee of at least 4, and a maximum of 10 advertisements per day. With ads valued at 3 cents each, you’re guaranteed at least 12 cents a day!
Average number of clicks per day: 4
Amount per click: $0.03!
Time per ad: 30 seconds
Sign up bonus: $3.00
Amount per referral: None
Amount per referral click: $0.01
Payment method: Pay Pal
Minimum cash out: $20.00
Paid Within: Unknown
Join Clix4Coins for FREE

This easy to navigate site offers an amazing guarantee of at least 4, and a maximum of 10 advertisements per day. With ads valued at 3 cents each, you’re guaranteed at least 12 cents a day!
Average number of clicks per day: 4
Amount per click: $0.03!
Time per ad: 30 seconds
Sign up bonus: $3.00
Amount per referral: None
Amount per referral click: $0.01
Payment method: Pay Pal
Minimum cash out: $20.00
Paid Within: Unknown
Join Clix4Coins for FREE

An average 8 clicks a day, at 2 cents a click, double what most sites offer, makes BuxGalore a clear favourite. With 1,119 members joined already this fairly new Pay-to-Click site is growing fast. Offering an incredible amount of ads daily there are always new ads to click, making this site a must visit for the ambitious clicker.
Average number of clicks per day: 8
Amount per click: $0.02!
Time per ad: 20 seconds
Sign up bonus: None
Amount per referral: None
Amount per referral click: $0.0015
Payment method: Pay Pal
Minimum cash out: $5.00
Paid Within: 7 Business Days
Average number of clicks per day: 8
Amount per click: $0.02!
Time per ad: 20 seconds
Sign up bonus: None
Amount per referral: None
Amount per referral click: $0.0015
Payment method: Pay Pal
Minimum cash out: $5.00
Paid Within: 7 Business Days
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